60 Minutes will be airing the Don Siegelman story on Sunday!
This is huge.
First, because CBS 60 Minutes will air the explosive Don Siegelman true story of how he was railroaded to jail.
Second, because the TV executives decided to run it on the night of the Oscars, ensuring that no one will watch it.
Wait... you never heard of Don Siegelman and what happened to him?
Do I have to do everything for you....
A good primer article.
Republicans wanted their state back, and they got it.
They got it through a stolen election. In 2002, Siegelman appeared to have won re-election against Republican challenger Bob Riley. But then, in Baldwin county, Republican election supervisors (no Democrats allowed), locked the doors and discovered a computer glitch that tilted the election to Riley, whereupon the GOP attorney general, William Pryor, put the kibosh on Siegelman's appeal for a recount by sealing the ballots.
Then Riley's son asked Canary if he was sure that Siegelman would be taken care of, and Canary told him not to worry that he had already gotten it worked out with Karl and Karl had spoken with the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice was already pursuing Don Siegelman.
The judge at Siegelman's trial, Mark Fuller, a Bush appointee and a former member of the executive committee of the Alabama Republican party, had a well-known grudge against Siegelman. Fuller refused to recuse himself from the case, denied bail, immediately put Siegelman in shackles and ordered him to the Atlanta federal prison. After seven months Judge Fuller, in violation of the law, has refused to release the trial transcript without which the defendant cannot appeal his conviction.
Don Siegelman has since been shuttled back and forth among several federal prisons out of touch with his attorneys and not allowed access to the Internet or to press interviews. This treatment has prompted an unprecedented demand by 44 former state attorneys general for a congressional investigation of the Siegelman case.
The Siegelman Saga puts a human face on a widespread politicization of the U.S. Department of Justice. In a similar case in Wisconsin, Georgia Thompson, a purchasing official in the state government, was convicted of corruption in a case that worked to the advantage of a Republican candidate for governor. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals was so shocked by the injustice of her conviction that they ordered Thompson's immediate release, even before issuing a ruling. The evidence against her, said Judge Diane Wood, was beyond thin.
The December, 2006, firings of eight Republican U.S. attorneys, who insisted upon conducting their offices without partisan bias, has brought national attention to the political corruption of the Justice Department and has caused many to wonder about the behavior of the remaining 85 U.S. attorneys that Alberto Gonzales saw fit to retain. It is a troubling question.
After reading this, what do you think about American "democracy"?
Do you still live in the world of princesses and unicorns, where politicians strive to do what's best for the country?
Unsurprisingly, these outrages by the Department of Defense have not excited much interest in the mainstream media, with the honorable exception of Keith Olbermann and Dan Abrams of MSNBC. Abrams series, Bush League Justice, which was broadcast last December, was magnificent, and he promised that we're not going to let this go away . . . We are going to be watching very closely." Six weeks later, we are awaiting the follow-up. In addition, rumor has it that 60 Minutes is preparing a segment on the Siegelman case.
Which will air now - so set your TiVo and your VCR's....
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