I wrote this rant on reddit, and before posting it here I wanted to lengthen and "beautify" it...
But you know what? Fuck it, it works fine just the way it is.
There are two options for America.
1) Go capitalism - insurance only used for catastrophic coverage, just like car insurance, and you would pay your own money to visit a doctor for day to day care.
This option would allow doctors and healthcare providers to compete on price and service, and would be something akin to a free market.
Again, think car insurance - when you visit your mechanic for normal repairs, you pay, when you get in a serious crash (cancer, etc) the insurance pays.
This would eliminate the bureaucracy in-between doctors and patients, a middleman who is basically useless and results in a corrupt system.
I prefer option two:
2) Go socialism - single payer, government provided healthcare, which incidentally, is what EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD IS DOING.
This would allow the government to bid for the price of medicines and health services, using its economies of scale. Think Walmart prices undercutting for decent health care provider services.
But this is the Yoo Ess of Ey.
We will combine the worst features of both these systems, and come up with a horrible third option:
3) Go Lobby Power - Everyone is forced to get insurance, just like car insurance, resulting in millions of new (forced) customers that have to buy private healthcare insurance.
Team Obama already has said that it will not seek to negotiate prices with healthcare insurance nor big pharma for prices of services, medicines, hospital stays - no government negotiation.
So, basically, nothing changes, except for you being forced (now you can opt out if you are young, soon it will be forbidden) to buy health insurance, prices will go up way past inflation, just like they always did, healthcare insurance will try to not pay you due to pre-existing condition, doctors will try to scam both you and insurance, there will be no government regulation...
Question: perhaps it is time to take a look at our so called "democracy", and especially the part LOBBIES play in it? Also, take a look at "free speech" as it is applied to corporations...
Statement: People who are republicans scare me. Most of them make less than 30,000, and are complete and utter morons (old people with Medicare shouting "take government out of my health!" at town home meetings).
People who consider themselves intelligent, and support democrats, I laugh at. Do you realize that the same people pay republicans and democrats? The same PACs, the same lobbyists?
Don't worry, Americans - Israel is guaranteed a $3 billion per year (officially), and that's the only thing that counts in Washington these days.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Health care reform
Posted by
8:14 PM
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God you are a fucking tard. I would otherwise elaborate, but, in this case, that would truly be a waste of time.
"We will combine the worst features of both these systems, and come up with a horrible third option"
How can welfare recipients "be forced to buy insurance". Those folks dont have car insurance now. The illegals (what 20 million of them?) dont have car insurance now. Raising taxes via a single payer system would theorectically FORCE these people to "buy" insurance, but welfare recipeints get their checks from the GUV'ment anyway---so thats kinda pointless.
Any argument to just raise taxes to pay for this will devolve because future politicians will try to shift that tax burden to favor their own constituency (oops, I mean their campaign contributers and their post-election-loss-speaking-fee-retirement-guarantours). The Dems will try and "soak the rich" for the taxes, and the Repubs will keep trying to allow the rich to get paid via stock options and other accounting trickery that allow them to avoid most personal taxation, so the middle class (whats left of it) gets the tab (yet again).
Whatever they come up with Goy, you have to make sure Doctors still get paid. If they dont, not enough kids will want to go to med school who are good-enough students to get there.
Dont even get me started on the Obammy-idea of PC-looking race and gender quotas for med schools. If we want a large physician workforce that is competent and STAYS IN THE PROFESSION, we are going to need many WHITE and ASIAN MALES to do it. Trying to shoe-horn black and hispanic students into this profession is going to lead to people either flunking med school----or worse, being "passed" through med school when they didn't deserve to pass, and many women who go into medicine only to quit 7-10 years later to raise a family, and either never come back, or merely to come back 15-20 years later for half-a-decade to quit again. We will need docs, and not PC-cut-out-make-ourselves-feelgood-docs, but real ones.
Personally, I prefer the 2nd comment by Anonymous here to the one Chuck posted... even though both say that basically I am a tard :-)
With all due respect Dude, this goes way deeper than making sure some poor schmuck is entitled to health insurance or not.This is about supplanting one ideology with another.Christ, the liberal left has waited(impatiently I might add)40 years to be in this position.They tried this in the late 60's (i.e.-The Hippies)and failed and have been brooding and plotting the next chapter ever since. They had a run with the Clinton's(Yeesh!)and then had to endure two terms of W.(God that pissed them off didn't it?)Now they're in again and I get the direct impression that they don't want to play nice with the conservatives anymore.Throw in the fact that the rest of the world is practically liberal itself and you have basically a gang raping of conservatism in this country.BTW - Did I mention the fact that our mainstream media is predominantly liberal which creates an enormous edge for the faction that it leans towards(hmmmm....wonder who that could be?) Bottomline......I have no problem supporting an honest, everyday Joe who is down on his luck for the moment and with a little help will be back on his or her feet and be a productive citizen again but I am not about to help a third or fourth generation of shiftless, self-righteous,entitlement minded lazy,greedy,no count,Jerry Springer watchin' bum ass fool that can work but chooses not to 'cuz he can get it for free. F-U-C-K T-H-A-T!
you forgot option 4:
anyone who is sick, send them to a quarantine and if they die... oh welll too bad, so sad, fuck em they should've taken better care of themselves in the first place...
but yeah, personally? i prefer the option 2. though from what i'm reading from your media (in the Under Studied of Arrogance), apparantly those of us in the rest of the world, don't know what we're doing...
which reminds me... how's the racial wars going down there?
i am afraid i don't know who is the evil one now that OBama has made Black non-ghetto?
hey mr 'Anonomous' what is it with you psycho right wing whiners? Why do you all yell and scream under hoods of white and swastika's and um um um.... oh yeah ANONOMOUS monikers?
shhhhhh be careful there might be a meany bad guy behind a tree out to getcha wilbur... don't you have a sister or mom at home to love?
oh and i think you're a tard as well, but that has nothing to do with this blog... i'm just saying you are on general principle :D
Love yah too, Jimmie...
Greetings from the scenic midwest to the frigid, polar bear, communist Canada :-)
hey boy goy... i'm heading back to vancouver...
i can't stomach the arrogance here in the big smoke anymore...
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