Tuesday, December 29, 2009

One Year Later, Palestinians Live in Rubble While Israel Blocks Aid

Crooks and Liars (blog): One Year Later, Palestinians Live in Rubble While Israel Blocks Aid

Well go figure.

A mainstream (lefty) blog goes off the reservation.

The lone CAMERA troll is outnumbered by collective outrage.

Collect more money, AIPAC, American politicians' loyalty must be paid for continuously.

There's more...

Ron Paul vs Ben Stein Dust Up on Terrorism

It's a fun watch.

Ron Paul (American patriot): truth, truth, TRUTH.

Ben Stein (American-in-name-only dual loyalty Jew): lie, obfuscate, distort.


BEN STEIN: Why should we stop them? Because they are terrorists and murderers and they're very anti-American.

RON PAUL: Why are they terrorists?

BEN STEIN: Surely congressman --

RON PAUL: Why are they terrorists?

BEN STEIN: They're terrorists and murders because they are psychos.

RON PAUL: They're terrorists because we're occupiers.

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