Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Last Bubble is over - what next?

The real estate bubble, which I covered extensively, is over.

I for the life of me cannot find a new bubble which will help our American FIRE economy (Financial, Insurance, Real Estate - note the lack of manufacturing real, tangible things in this economy, except the hidden military industrial complex).

So, quo vadis America?

What's the next bubble?

And that is a crucial, the most important decision for our elites to decide upon - the whole Obama/Romney circus, gay rights and other silliness is just cover.

The just past real estate bubble hit upon all the pillars of the American system - all the letters of the FIRE economy, as explained here...

So what next...

If I knew, I would know how to invest and I would become rich...

Alas, I am not part of the elite establishment - after all, I am but a 2nd class citizen, an American Goy...


Anonymous said...

The usual recourse for the economic doldrums is war and the buildup towards it. It's a reliable and time-tested strategy for this country. Indeed, right now there's a couple possibilities that seem ready to go with a little more work. Also, if Obama looks to be sagging in the polls a war at the right time might boost his chances a bit. Of course, it'll have to be a defensive war where we get attacked or can make it seem that way.

AmericanGoy said...

It would have to be a big war, as a typical intervention in Somalia or Grenada is not going to be even a blip on the radar of this gigantic economy.

I fear the time of big wars is over...

Which is bad news, indeed...