Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yes yes I know - internet access possibly by the weekend

Keep fingers crossed...


Anonymous said...


Goy had apparently so pissed off AIPAC, that they called Henry Kissenger, who called Donald Rumsfeld, who called Dick Cheney, who called a secret CIA contact with a anagramic psedonym something like FUKFREDUM, who called a Mossad Agent named Michael Chertoff, who got in touch with another Mossad Agent named ISRLFRST, and he and his hit team moved in and killed goy with a new plastic ray gun that fried him like a pancake..............

That'll show that smart-mouth Indiana boy to run his mouth online!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on get on with it and stop promising!

James Mendham said...

actions speak louder than words ... talk is cheap... though... all things being equal...

looks like the little polish immigrant is becoming american after all :D

Anonymous said...

Bow to the Jews and our superior intellect, work ethic, leadership, wit and gene pools.

Do not pretend you're one of us.

Anonymous said...

Anybody Home?

AmericanGoy said...

Nobody home......

Still getting internet and my life in order.