There I said it.
Free market is the best in every situation, and the less government regulation the better?
2 movies for you.
Movie 1 - Gangs of NY: 2 competing fire engine companies stop by a burning house, and at first they argue on who should put out the fire, then they start to fight it out.
Meanwhile the house burns.
Movie 2 - Robocop: The privatized police force goes on strike for higher wages.
As a libertarian, you are against:
1) government testing if the food you eat, the water you drink, the medicine you swallow is safe for you
2) you want the US Army to become Blackwater Co., the police to become the new Pinkertons (private company of old), the firefighters to become private firms who respond only to houses whose owners paid the monthly dues.
I realize that these arguments are a bit low brow, but we are not dealing with smart people here. We are dealing with libertarians.
You know?
Friday, January 4, 2008
Libertarians are idiots
Posted by
2:36 PM
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The Government does a terrible job of regulating things that are "good" or "bad" for you. Not only does incompetence play a huge role in the FDA, so does lobbying. They do whats best for their buddies not you. You are delusional if you think the government does "anything" in YOUR best interest.
Create an example of your own on how Free Markets won't work since you have such a grasp on economics. Or just use a Movie?
A. Libertarians do not advocate privatizing the military; just the opposite.
B. An example of two fictional movies is nothing even resembling a convincing argument.
C. Your post is nothing but inflammatory BS and not a real argument. I know I'm just feeding a troll, but you should really do some research before making stupid wrong arguments
Nice try, douche.
First off, while the battling firehouses were a real occurrence, that was not due to privatized fire service.
Second, Robocop? Come on. You call Libertarian's idiots and justify it by citing that piece of shit attempt at Sci-Fi? I can't believe I'm even commenting on this crap.
And, like tim said, Libertarians do not advocate privatizing the military.
Come on. I'm a Democrat and I think you're being unfair to the libertarians. You're painting with too broad a stroke to really do it justice. It's unfortunate that with Ron Paul running for president and libertarians getting more of a voice that people are so willing to openly mock them, especially when their hearts are in the right place and they too hold a piece of the truth.
Consider for a second that a libertarian would support the right of homosexual couples to marry because what two (or more) consenting adults do behind their own doors is none of the State's business. Libertarians also support ending the War on Drugs in favor of personal choice and treatment options instead of locking up users. And most libertarians are opposed to the death penalty because they believe the State does not have the right to take away a person's life. In fact, when someone joins the Libertarian Party they're required to sign a pledge to not initiate force against another individual. That's a very pacifcistic statement.
Furthermore, Milton Friedman, who's revered by most every libertarian, made a passionate argument for government control of the environment because the State is the only organization that can manage it fairly for all interested parties. He also argued in favor of State-run education.
So go easy on the libertarians. More and more Americans are departing the Republican party in favor of third-parties because of the increasingly religious overtones of that party, and they can be potential allies in an election.
Seriously ... you're passing intellectual judgment and in the same breath citing Robocop to do so? Are you sure you didn't mean to post a blog about how your an idiot?
You seriously used two movies as your justification for saying "libertarians are idiots"?
You should look up the concept of projection. I think you may have a serious case here.
Libertarians are truly idiots. They do not know anything about how the economy works. In a totally free economy there is no competition so the rights of the consumers suffer. There is also no possibilitíy of technological innovation in a Libertarian economy. These effects are caused by the emerging monopolies. So a Libertarian economy fails for the same reasons a Communist economy fails.
I am sorry to have to correct you, but I am a libertarian and you are wrong. We believe government should only be involved in areas where there is no economic opportunity, such as national defense and protecting the environment. There is a term used by governor mitch daniel of indiana called the "yellow pages" idea, basically it states if there is something is the yellow pages for that service government should not be doing it. Now do not get me wrong even adam smith said privatization and a free market would not work without basic civil liberties, such as in russia in the 1990s, but libertarians are not advocating anarchy, but privatization with strict however limited regulation. These companies are bond by law so therefore must do so accordingly. Any government agency can go on strike as well, only in there case they would agree to all terms, such as recently the air traffic control employees are on strike asking for 200,000 a year per employee and we are agreeing to such terms. So get your facts straight before you start accusing somebody who obviously knows more than you about this topic.
I am sorry to have to correct you, but I am a libertarian and you are wrong. We believe government should only be involved in areas where there is no economic opportunity, such as national defense and protecting the environment. There is a term used by governor mitch daniel of indiana called the "yellow pages" idea, basically it states if there is something is the yellow pages for that service government should not be doing it. Now do not get me wrong even adam smith said privatization and a free market would not work without basic civil liberties, such as in russia in the 1990s, but libertarians are not advocating anarchy, but privatization with strict however limited regulation. These companies are bond by law so therefore must do so accordingly. Any government agency can go on strike as well, only in there case they would agree to all terms, such as recently the air traffic control employees are on strike asking for 200,000 a year per employee and we are agreeing to such terms. So get your facts straight before you start accusing somebody who obviously knows more than you about this topic.
Forget Robocop. History has already proven that Libertarianism is as big a failure Communism. When we practiced those hallowed libertarian ideals during the industrial revolution, we had tainted food, "patent medicines" that were often powerful narcotics mixed with water, massive monopolies that drove wages into the ground and in some cases micromanaged every aspect of their employees lives during the 8 hours they weren't working (read up on Pullman towns). The end results were massive civil strife which spawned the labor unions and regulations that these anarcho-capitalists love to shake their fists at. Communism itself was a response to anarcho-capitalistic ideals. Yes, Libertarians, your beloved ideals are why the government has to have its head up the economy's ass.
Now, to the Libertarian who posted above. I'm glad to see that some Libertarians do have scruples. Unfortunately, most Libertarians I've had the displeasure of dealing with did not share your ideas. They'd quickly throw the environment and everything else to hell in order to make a quick buck. Most Libertarians I have dealt with were self centered twits who use their idealogy as a thin veil to cover their greed. I'm glad to see that there are Libertarians such as yourself that do have a moral compass.
Well, with the economy and markets falling apart, I think a large part of libertarians "worshiping the free market" has finally come to an end - at least for the next few years. I also think it is funny / sad that people who are so into property rights and taxes being theft are so very comfortable building their little society on stolen lands (RE: Native Americans - any one remember them?) If you truly are a libertarian, then certainly one of your first acts aught to be in moving back to your respective homeland - most likely Europe! Enjoy!
Yes, libertarians are idiots. Most of them fail at life. Libertarians suck donkey balls, and love it.
If Libertarians are Idiots,how come they win all arguments ,and all the evidence backs them up? Maybe the definition of 'idiot' has changed.Or perhaps it takes an idiot to misuse the term idiot because of the fact that that person idiot.
The testing of food should be left to people in the food industry not government agents,just like the rasing of children should be left to the parents not government agents.
Gangs of New york? Try gangs of the World.The bloodiest wars(and nearly all wars) in history are between governments.
"If Libertarians are Idiots,how come they win all arguments"
Textbook delusion and self-refuting.
Thanks for demonstrating the author's point.
Testing of food left up to the food industry? You are a fucking idiot ignorant of any history. That didn't work so well in the past - the reason for the passing of the pure food and drug act in the early 1900s. Prior to that packing plants would routinely butcher diseased, dead and dying animals, typically processing them into canned potted meat because the additons of spices and flavorings masked the taste of the rancid meat. Killed and inured many people. It was the novel The Jungle which exposed the horrors of the meat packing industry at that time and caused the government's investigation of the industry and the resluting laws passed as a result of the findings of that investigation. Those are the days people like you would take us back to. No thanks.
So agree, libertarians are idiots. I can't stand them because they like to pretend they are different from republicans but they are no different from them. They say they have some democratic tendencies but they'd rather be shot than ever vote for a democrat.
When we tried the libertarian like way, we ended up needing the government to get involved...why? Because we would have been in the Great Depression longer had we not.
Citing Robocop is quite appropriate. While it's a shallow argument, libertarians are themselves shallow and incapable of critical thinking. If they were, they'd quickly realize they were the underclass of their proposed libertopia as so many are solitary dweebs making lower middle class wages and furiously jerking it to Ayn Rand's crummy romance novels.
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